Branded Content: now more strategic then ever

Jacobo Zelado moderated the BCMA “Branded Content Today” session and highlighted the role of branded content during times of crisis

The COVID19 crisis is more of an opportunity for brands than at first it might seem, according to the three experts who have participated in the online round table “Branded Content today: What role does it play in times of crisis”, organized by the Spanish Branded Content Association (BCMA Spain) to analyze how brands are behaving during this pandemic.

Jacobo Zelada, partner, head of the Madrid office and Director of our content platform Seeds, launched in 2018, was joined by Eduardo Basarte, Director of Secuoya Nexus and Gonzalo Madrid, Chief Strategy Officer at WINK.

The crisis, an opportunity for brands

Branded Content, as a communication tactic, has shown considerable growth over the last year according to the study ‘Content Scope’ undertaken by Scopen for the BCMA and all three experts agree that for organizations committed to Branded Content the current crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic is actually a moment of real opportunity.

According to Jacobo, Branded Content is relevant because “it engages people with brand environments”, and that is why it is capable of “leaving a lasting mark” on society. In his opinion, this means that as a form of communication, and especially in times of crisis like now, it is now “more strategic then ever”.





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