
Metaverse and mixed realities: where is the opportunity for brands?

Little by little, society is entering the new era of digital communication and the use and knowledge of new virtual worlds is increasing. Currently, 50% of Spaniards already know what the metaverse is, especially men between 16 and 29 years old (72%) according to the market research consultancy Nielsen. However, only 9% of Spanish Internet users acknowledge having entered a metaverse at least once, with millennials being the group who have used it the most (33% vs. 22% of the total population) according to a study by IAB Spain.

Although the figures are still “modest”, the truth is that the arrival of the metaverse and mixed realities is already a fact, according to Jacobo Zelada, Chief Innovation Officer at APPLE TREE, in the NEW THINKING podcast: “It is still hard for us to see the metaverse as something close because it is still difficult to see its application in everyday life, but if expectations are met and people begin to fully understand the possibilities, in the end all brands and companies have the potential to enter this world,” says Zelada.

According to Nielsen, what Spaniards look for most in the metaverse is virtual education (49%), 43% say their activity of interest is video games, and 36% go shopping. It is precisely ecommerce that seems to be responsible for the success of some brands’ metaverse experiences, confirms the APPLE TREE CIO “Most of the success stories that have brought value are in the world of FMCG brands because, obviously, there is a direct relationship with ecommerce. For brands and businesses that have a strong online business, the metaverse basically gives them the opportunity to deepen the shopping experience like the cases of Nike on Roblox, or the Mango or H&M metaverses.”

But the presence of brands in the metaverse should not be considered a passing fad, according to Jacobo Zelada. “It’s not about just being there for the sake of being there to launch a press release, but about finding the added value for consumers. At APPLE TREE we have had a team of expert consultants from the world of mixed realities for years and we are offering advice and consultancy on the best options for our clients and developing the ability to build value propositions in these worlds,” explains the CIO and partner of APPLE TREE in this podcast.






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