anabel drese apple tree

Anabel Drese, Senior Director of Human Resources and Corporate Controller

APPLE TREE, the agency that applies NEW THINKING to help its clients increase brand relevance and improve business results, has announced the appointment of Anabel Drese as Senior Director of Human Resources and Corporate Controller. Anabel will be responsible for leading the talent strategy to support APPLE TREE’s 160+ employees in their professional development, while also taking on the role of corporate controller for its subsidiaries at a time of expansion and growth for the company.

With more than twenty years of experience leading human resources, finance and corporate social responsibility departments, Anabel joined APPLE TREE in 2014. Previously, Drese had led the finance and human resources department at Timberland Iberia and subsequently led the company’s European corporate social responsibility strategy.

Commenting on the appointment, Carme Miró, CEO and founder of APPLE TREE, said: ‘I am deeply proud to announce this appointment. Anabel is the right person to lead our talent and financial strategy at this time. In addition to perfectly representing APPLE TREE’s values, Anabel is a professional with great vision and analytical skills, which will undoubtedly help us to achieve our growth objectives’.

With a degree in Economics, Anabel holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Barcelona. Throughout her professional career, in addition to leading talent and CSR strategies, she has also worked as a consultant and external advisor.

anabel drese apple tree
anabel drese apple tree

Regarding her appointment, Anabel said: ‘I am proud to have seen the growth of this company that values its employees so highly and is concerned with promoting their talent and making it grow, while remaining true to our values and our contribution to the community around us’.

Anabel’s objective will be to continue developing the company’s talent strategy. This strategy has led APPLE TREE to be the top-rated agency by communications professionals in PR Scope 2023, to appear as Best Agency to Work for in the last eight years, and to be the only agency to appear in the Merco Universidades.  In addition, Anabel will aim to ensure that the objectives and strategy defined by the company are met, with the greatest possible excellence and efficiency.

Similarly, Anabel will continue to work to offer the best experience to all the company’s employees through the promotion of policies and initiatives that maintain the excellent level of satisfaction and meet APPLE TREE’s objectives in terms of diversity, equity and equality.






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