Our campaign for VidaCaixa, recognized as best Branded Content with purpose

Our branded content project “Continue Growing”, for VidaCaixa, has been recognized as the best case of Branded Content with a purpose in the first edition this year of the BCMA #05 × 10. This is an event organized by the Branded Content Association of Spain in which 5 Branded Content case studies are presented, in 10 minutes by the prople responsible for creating them. Last year we were also recongnised as ‘best branded content’ with our project “Una Caña Con”, for Mahou.

In this virtual event edition, presented by Juanma Ortega, Jacobo Zelada, APPLE TREE Managing Partner and Sara Hurtado, Digital Strategy Director, explained the details of the VidaCaixa campaign.

APPLE TREE supported VidaCaixa, the leading insurer in Spain, to successfully amplify the results of a study it carried out, to better understand attitudes and perceptions around ageing, through a creative branded content strategy.





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